Saturday, July 22, 2023

How To Leave Emotionally Abusive Relationship

Credit: Pexels.

On the path of love, some relationships can become unhealthy and leave mental scars that can be hard to heal. If you're stuck in a relationship that is emotionally abusive, you might think it's impossible to get out and find happiness again. 

But it is important to put your health first and take steps to get out of the toxic atmosphere. In this piece, we'll talk about the most important steps you can take to leave a relationship that is emotionally abusive, regain your sense of self-worth, and set yourself up for a healthier future.

Understanding Emotional Abuse in Relationships

Emotional abuse in relationships can look different ways, and it's important to spot the signs as soon as possible. Emotional abusers may use trickery, control, and constant criticism to lower their partners' self-esteem and sense of worth. When someone is emotionally abused, it can be bad for their emotional, mental, and physical health.

Why Would My Boyfriend Or Girlfriend Emotionally Abuse Me?

It is important to know that mental abuse is never okay or justifiable, no matter what the abuser was trying to do. But knowing about some common things that can lead to emotional abuse can help you understand how complicated it is:

1. Unresolved Personal Issues: Emotional abusers often have unresolved emotional issues from their past, such as childhood trauma or violent relationships. These problems that haven't been solved can come out in the way they treat their present partner.

2. Insecurity and Low Self-Esteem: People with low self-esteem may use emotional abuse as a way to control and dominate their partner. By putting down and insulting their partner, they may try to make themselves feel better and more in charge.

3. Lack of Emotional Intelligence: Emotional abusers may not have a lot of emotional intelligence, which makes it hard for them to control their feelings and speak well. Instead of sharing their feelings in a healthy way, they may use abusive behavior as a way to deal with them.

4. Wanting to be in charge: Some people have a strong need to be in charge and to be dominant in their relationships. Emotional abuse is used as a way to keep control over their partner and tell them what to do and how to act.

5. Emotional abusers may have picked up some of their bad habits from their parents or other people they looked up to. If they grew up in an abusive home, they might think that kind of behavior is normal, which could cause them to do the same thing in their own interactions.

6. Personality Disorders: Some personality disorders, like narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder, can lead to mental abuse. People with these illnesses may have trouble understanding how other people feel and may use and manipulate their partners for their own gain.

It is important to keep in mind that these things may help explain why emotional abuse happens, but they do not excuse or justify the abusive behavior. 

Emotional abuse is bad and can hurt the victim's mental and emotional health for a long time. Remember that you deserve love, respect, and a safe, caring relationship if you find yourself in an emotionally abusive relationship. Asking for help from friends, family, or professionals can give you the support and direction you need to leave an abusive situation and put your own health first.

How Does an Emotionally Abusive Relationship Affect Bonding?

In a relationship where one person is emotionally abusive toward the other, it can be very upsetting and hurtful to the connection between the two people. Emotional abuse breaks down the core parts of a strong, healthy relationship and replaces them with fear, nervousness, and emotional turmoil. Here are some ways that mental abuse makes it hard for two people to get close:

1. Trust Problems: Emotional abuse often happens when someone breaks trust by lying, manipulating, or being dishonest. The victim may have trouble trusting their partner, always wondering what they are up to and feeling on guard.

2. Isolation and alienation: People who emotionally abuse their partners may cut them off from their friends, family, and support networks, making them feel like they need them. The victim may stop caring about other relationships and depend on the abusive partner for all of their emotional needs.

3. Communication Breakdown: It's important to talk to each other well if you want to build a good relationship. In a relationship where one person hurts the other emotionally, open and honest dialogue is stifled. The victim may be afraid to talk about how they feel, which can lead to a breakdown in communication and confusion.

4. Emotional Distance: Emotional abuse causes a chasm between two people on an emotional level. The victim may mentally pull away to protect themselves from more pain, which can make the relationship feel distant and disconnected.

5. Low Self-Esteem: Constant criticism and put-downs hurt a person's sense of self-worth and self-esteem. They might start to feel like they don't deserve love and get a bad sense of themselves, which would hurt their relationship even more.

6. Emotional abusers may try to control their partner by making them afraid that they will leave them or stop caring about them. Because of this, the person who is being abused may develop a strong fear of being left or abandoned and cling tightly to the person who is hurting them.

7. Cycle of Abuse: Emotional abuse often happens in a cycle, with calm and loving times followed by abusive ones. This cycle can confuse the victim and make the relationship feel unpredictable, which makes it hard to find steadiness and safety.

8. Lack of Emotional Intimacy: Emotional abuse makes it hard for two people to bond on a deep emotional level. The victim may not show how they really feel because they are afraid of more mental pain.

9. Effects on Physical Intimacy: Emotional abuse can also have an effect on how close two people are physically. The victim might feel unsafe or uncomfortable being open with their partner, which could cause them to become less intimate physically.

10. Self-Blame and Guilt: People who emotionally abuse their partners often make them feel like the abuse is their fault. The victim may take this blame on themselves and feel sorry for the abuse, which hurts their sense of self-worth and ability to form relationships even more.

How To Tell Someone Is Abusing You Emotionally

Before taking steps to leave a relationship that is mentally abusive, it is important to know what the signs of abuse are. Emotional abuse often looks like constant criticism, putting the blame on someone else, gaslighting, being cut off from friends and family, and controlling behavior. Recognizing these signs can help you confirm what you've been through and make smart choices about your future.

Why It Is Difficult To Leave Abusive Relationships

Woman Packing Her Bag Credit:Pexels.

Getting out of an emotionally abusive relationship is often hard for a number of reasons, which can make it hard for the person being abused to get away from the harmful situation. Some of the main reasons why it's hard to leave a violent relationship are:

1. Emotional Bond: Even if a person is being abused, they may still love and care for their partner. This mental connection can lead to mixed feelings that make it hard to let go and move on.

2. Fear of Retaliation: People who have been abused may be afraid that their abuser will hurt them if they try to leave. Threats of violence or harm to them or their loved ones can make them afraid and make them less likely to leave.

3. Financial Dependence: In many situations, the abusive partner may be the only source of money for the victim. If you leave, you might have to worry about money, which can be scary and stressful.

4. Isolation: Emotional abusers often keep their victims away from their friends and family, making them feel like they need them and cutting them off from possible sources of help.

5. Abusers often get their victims to think that the abuse is their fault or that they deserve it by making them feel guilty and ashamed. This can make the person feel guilty and ashamed, which can make it hard for them to ask for help or leave the relationship.

6. Low Self-Esteem: Emotional abuse can make the victim feel like they don't deserve better or that they won't be able to find someone else who will treat them better.

7. Cycle of Abuse: Emotional abuse often happens in a cycle, with calm and loving times followed by abusive ones. This can make the victim think that the abuse isn't always happening and that their partner will change.

8. Lack of Support: People who have been hurt emotionally may feel alone and may not have anyone they can turn to for help and advice.

9. Cultural and religious views can make it hard to leave an abusive marriage or relationship, even if they are abusive.

10. Fear of Judgment: The person being abused may worry that other people will judge and criticize them if they tell other people about the abuse or leave the relationship.

11. Trauma bonding: In some cases, mental abuse can lead to a form of trauma bonding, in which the victim becomes attached to the abuser because they have both been through intense emotional experiences.

To get past these problems and get out of a violent relationship, you need a lot of strength, help, and resources. It's important for abuse victims to know that they're not alone and that they can get help to get away from the abuse and start on the road to healing and strength. 

Help from support groups, therapists, and loved ones can give you the direction and motivation you need to take the first steps toward a safer and healthy future.

Step-by-Step Guide to Leaving an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

Getting out of a relationship that hurts you mentally is a brave and empowering step toward reclaiming your life and health. But it can be a hard and complicated process that needs help and careful planning. Here is a step-by-step plan to help you get out of a relationship that hurts you emotionally:

1. Recognize and accept that you are in an emotionally abusive situation. This is the first and most important step. It's important to admit that you were abused in order to realize that you deserve better and that it's time to do something for your own health.

2. Reach out for help: Talk to friends, family, or support groups about what you're going through and how you're feeling. During this hard time, having a support system can give you the strength and motivation you need.

3. Safety First: If you are worried about your safety or the safety of your children, making a safety plan should be your top priority. Find a safe place to go in case of an emergency, and keep important papers, like your ID and financial records, in a safe place.

4. Talk to a Professional: You might want to talk to a therapist, counselor, or domestic abuse advocate who can help you figure out how to leave and give you emotional support.

5. Find out what you can about the help that's out there for people who are leaving abusive situations. Find out about shelters, civil rights, and community services in your area that can help.

6. Make a financial plan: Being financially dependent can make it hard to leave an abusive situation. Make a plan for your money so you can be financially independent, and look into tools like emergency funds and government aid programs.

7. Set limits: Tell your abusive partner that you want to leave and make it clear what those limits are. Be strong and confident about your choice, even if they try to manipulate you or make you feel bad.

8. Keep a record of any emotional abuse, like text messages, emails, or events. If you need legal help or security, having proof can be helpful.

9. Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with people who are good for you and will help you on your way to healing and getting better.

10. Prepare for Emotional Challenges: Leaving an abusive relationship can be hard on your emotions. Be ready to feel sad, guilty, and scared, and keep in mind that these feelings are a normal part of the process.

11. Consult a Lawyer: If you need to, talk to a lawyer about your rights and choices, especially if you are married to the abusive partner or share money with them.

12. Pack a Safety Bag: If you want to leave quickly, pack a safety bag with clothes, toiletries, and important papers. Keep it somewhere private or with a friend you can trust.

13. Reach Out for Help: If you are in immediate danger, don't be afraid to call the cops or an emergency helpline for help.

14. Leave when it's safe: Pick a time to leave when your violent partner is not around or when you have help from friends or family.

15. Prioritize Self-Care: During the process of leaving, put yourself first and do things that bring you joy and relief.

Leaving a relationship that hurts you mentally is a brave thing to do, and that you deserve a life without abuse. Reach out for help and support, and know that there are tools to help you move toward a healthier and safer future.

Protect Your Self After Exit

Taking steps to protect yourself after leaving an abusive relationship is important to make sure your safety and well-being as you move on to a new part of your life. Here are a few important things to think about:

1. Find a safe place to live, whether it's with family, friends, or in a shelter. If you need to, change the locks on your doors and don't tell anyone where you live.

2. Get a Restraining Order: If your violent ex-partner makes you feel unsafe, you might want to get a restraining order or protection order against them. This formal step can help keep them from coming near you or your home.

3. Change how people can reach you: Get a new phone number and think about getting a new email address. Be careful about what personal information you share online and on social media sites.

4. Tell Authorities and Employers: If you need to, tell the cops about the abusive relationship and let your employer know about the situation. If needed, they can offer extra security steps and help.

5. Develop a Safety Plan: Make a safety plan for different situations, such as running into your ex-partner by accident. Learn the best ways to get to and from work and other places you go often.

6. Set up a support network by staying in touch with friends, family, and support groups who can help you when you need mental support and help.

7. Get professional help: Talk to therapists or counselors who help people who have been in abusive situations get better. Getting help from a professional can make it easier to deal with stress and rebuild self-esteem.

8. Create a plan for your money to help you become financially independent Open a bank account in your name only, take care of your money on your own, and look for work or school to improve your financial security.

9. Protect Your Online Presence: Change the passwords for all of your online accounts and change your privacy settings on social media sites to make it harder for people to find out personal information about you.

10. Trust Your Gut: If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable in a scenario, trust your gut and do what you need to do to keep yourself safe.

11. Keep Proof: Keep any proof of past abuse, like texts, emails, or photos, because it could help in court or when getting a restraining order.

12. Learn about the tools out there for people who have been abused, such as local support groups, hotlines, and counseling services.

13. Self-care means taking care of your physical and mental health. Do things that make you happy, learn how to relax, and put self-compassion at the top of your list.

Remember that it takes time to get better after being in a violent relationship, and it's okay to ask for help and support as you go through this process. Your safety and health are the most important things, and taking steps to protect yourself will help you start over in a safe and healthy way.

How Not To Return To Your Abuser

It is important for your safety and well-being that you don't go back to an abuser after leaving a violent relationship. To break the cycle of abuse, you need to be strong, determined, and use certain tactics. Here are some ways to avoid going back to a person who hurt you:

1. Stay True to Your Choice: Remind yourself of why you broke up with the person in the first place. Focus on how the abuse hurt you and why you deserve something better.

2. Build a Strong Support Network: Surround yourself with friends, family, or support groups who are helpful and accepting. Having a strong network of people who believe in you can help you feel better about your choice to leave.

3. Make a Safety Plan: Make a safety plan for situations or times when you might be in danger. Know who to call if you start to feel like going back to your abuser, and keep a list of emergency numbers handy.

4. Don't Talk to Your Abuser: Don't talk to your abuser at all. Block their phone number, email, and social media accounts to make it impossible for them to get in touch with you.

5. Focus on Your Well-Being: Make self-care a priority and do things that are good for your physical and mental health. Do things you enjoy, get some exercise, and spend time with positive people.

6. Learn about the circle of abuse and the things that abusers do to control their victims. Knowing the trends can help you spot possible red flags and fight back against their tricks.

7. Set Goals and Move Forward: Make your own goals and plans for the future. Focus on making your future better and stay motivated to reach your goals.

8. Reinforce Your Independence: Put an emphasis on how independent you are financially and emotionally. Find a job or go to school to improve your ability to support yourself.

9. Gaslighting is something to be aware of: Abusers may try to change how you see the world and make you doubt your choice to leave. Gaslighting is a trick that tries to make you doubt your own truth.

10. Celebrate Your Progress: Recognize and celebrate your power and resilience as you move on with your life after leaving an abusive relationship. Recognize the steps you've taken to make your life healthier and happy.

Getting better after being in a bad relationship takes time and work. Have patience and kindness for yourself. By using these tactics and focusing on your own well-being, you can break the cycle of abuse and build a life without your abuser's negative impact.


Can couples therapy help in emotionally abusive relationships?

Couples therapy is not advised for relationships where one person hurts the other emotionally. Abusers often use therapy meetings to get even more power over their partners and make them do what they want. When dealing with the effects of mental abuse, individual therapy is more effective.

What should I do if I want to leave an emotionally abusive relationship, but fear for my safety?

If you're worried about your safety, give your safety plan top priority. Reach out to local groups or shelters that help victims of domestic abuse and can give you help and a safe place to stay.

How can I rebuild my self-esteem after leaving an emotionally abusive relationship?

It takes time and work to rebuild self-esteem. Take care of yourself, hang out with people who will help you, and think about going to therapy or counseling to deal with the mental trauma and work on your sense of self-worth.

Can an emotionally abusive partner change?

Even though change is possible, it is rare for a partner who hurts you mentally to change without a lot of work and help from a professional. When thinking about healing, it is important to put your safety and well-being first.

How do I resist the urge to return to my abuser?

Resisting the urge to go back to your attacker can be hard, but staying away from them is very important. Focus on why you left and how the abuse hurt you to stay firm in your choice.

Is it my fault that I was in an emotionally abusive relationship?

No, the person who gets hurt is never to blame. Emotional abuse is always the fault of the person doing it. No one deserves to be treated badly or have their feelings played with.

Can I file for a restraining order against my emotionally abusive partner?

Yes, you can get a restraining order or protection order to keep your abuser away from you officially if you are afraid for your safety.

Where can I find support and resources for leaving an emotionally abusive relationship?

Emotional abuse survivors can get help and tools from a lot of different groups and hotlines. Reach out to homes for victims of domestic violence near you or join online support groups to get the help you need.