Monday, July 31, 2023

20 Signs Of Emotional Abuse By Parents




Emotional abuse by parents is a very serious problem that can have long-term effects on a child's health and growth. Emotional abuse, unlike physical abuse, can be vague and hard to spot, which makes it even more dangerous.


Parents are supposed to care for and support their children, but they may do things that hurt their child's feelings without knowing.


Types of Emotional Abuse by Parents


Emotional abuse can show up in different ways and leave emotional scars that can hurt a child's self-esteem, mental health, and happiness in general. Some common ways that parents hurt their children emotionally are:


1. Verbal insults and humiliation: Calling a kid names, putting them down, or making fun of them can hurt their self-esteem and leave them with deep emotional wounds.


2. Rejection and neglect: Ignoring a child's needs all the time or pulling away mentally can make the child feel unloved and unworthy of love.


3. Gaslighting: This is when someone tries to change a child's view of reality by making them doubt their memories, feelings, or experiences. This can make the child feel confused and make them doubt themselves.


4. Emotional Manipulation: Using guilt trips, emotional blackmail, or emotional outbursts to control a child can create an unhealthy power relationship.


5. Conditional love: Giving love and approval to a child only when they meet certain goals or standards can make them feel insecure and anxious.


20 Signs That Parents Are Abusing Your Emotions


It can be hard to spot emotional abuse, but knowing the following signs can help you spot possible problems:


Here are 20 signs that your parents may be using your feelings against you:


1. Constant Criticism: Your parents are always criticising your looks, skills, or actions, which makes you feel bad about yourself and worthless.


2. Verbal Insults: They say hurtful and insulting things to put you down and make you feel bad about yourself.


3. Gaslighting: This happens when your parents change how you see the world, making you question your memory, feelings, or health.


4. Emotional neglect: They never show you love, support, or care on an emotional level, so you feel emotionally abandoned.


5. Conditional Love: Your parents only show you love and support when you do what they want you to do. This makes you feel afraid and unsafe.


6. Isolation: They cut you off from your friends and family, making it harder for you to get help and feel like you belong.


7. Blame and Guilt: Your parents always blame you for their problems and feelings, which makes you feel like you're in charge of their happiness.


8. Threats and intimidation: They use threats and intimidation to get you to do what they want and to keep control over you.


9. Excessive Expectations: Your parents have too high of standards for you, which causes you stress and worry.


10. Minimising Feelings: They ignore or downplay your feelings, making you feel like they don't matter.


11. Withholding Affection: Your parents withhold love, care, or affection as a punishment or to control your behaviour.


12. Manipulation: They try to make you feel guilty or owed to them by playing on your emotions.


13. Emotional blackmail: When your parents want something, they use emotional threats or ultimatums.


14. Humiliation:They shame or embarrass you in public, which hurts your self-esteem.


15. Competitive Parenting: Parents who are always comparing you to others can make you feel like you're not good enough.


16. Lack of limits: They don't respect your need for privacy and cross your personal limits.


17. Emotional Rollercoaster: Your parents' feelings are hard to predict, which makes the home setting unstable and stressful.


18. Overprotection: They have too much power over your life and choices, which stops you from growing up and becoming independent.


19. Emotional indifference: Your parents don't care about how you feel or what you need.


20. Lack of Empathy: They don't care much or at all about your problems or how you feel.


If any of these things happen to you, you need to reach out for help and talk to someone you trust. Emotional abuse can hurt your mental health and well-being in a lot of ways and for a long time. Always keep in mind that you deserve to be treated with love, respect, and kindness, and there are tools to help you heal from the emotional trauma of abuse.


Effects of Parental Emotional Abuse

Credit: Pexels


Emotionalabuse by a parent can have long-lasting and terrible effects on a child's life and mental health. Emotional abuse is often hard to see, unlike physical abuse, which makes it hard for others to see the secret damage it does. This article goes into detail about the high-impact SEO keywords linked to the long-term effects of emotional abuse by parents on children.


Emotional trauma


When parents hurt their children's feelings, they can cause them a lot of emotional damage that can last into adulthood. Hurtful words and actions can make it harder for them to deal with stress and handle their feelings well.


Low Self-Esteem 


Consistent emotional abuse can hurt a child's sense of self-worth, making them feel like they're not good enough and don't matter. This low sense of self-worth may last into adulthood, which can affect relationships and job choices.


Mental Health Disorders


Emotional abuse can lead to mental health problems like anxiety, sadness, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). When a child is young, he or she may go through a lot of ups and downs that can leave lasting marks on the brain.


Difficulty Making Friends 


Children who are emotionally abused as kids may find it hard as adults to make friends they can trust. People who are afraid of being rejected and can't trust others can keep them from making deep relationships.


Self-Doubt and Decision-Making


If a parent constantly criticises and gaslights their child, it can cause them to question themselves. This self-doubt may affect how they make decisions, making it harder for them to stand up for themselves.


Consequences in School and in the Workplace


Emotional abuse may negatively impact a child's success in school and later in their career. The mental turmoil they go through can make it hard for them to focus and do well in school.


Children who grow up in emotionally abusive settings often don't have healthy ways to deal with stress. As adults, they may use unhealthy ways to deal with mental pain, like drinking or using drugs.


Boundary Problems


Emotional abuse can make it hard for children to understand what boundaries are and how to set good ones in relationships.


Effects on future generations


It is sad that emotional abuse can go on from one family to the next. If the cycle is not stopped, children whose parents hurt them emotionally may do the same thing to their own children.


Physical Health Problems


mental abuse that goes on for a long time can also hurt a person's physical health. The constant stress and mental turmoil wear on the body and can cause a number of health problems.


How To Find Help


If you think a child is being emotionally abused, you need to do something to protect them. Talk to an adult you trust, like a teacher or school counsellor, who can tell child safety services what's going on.


Get help from a professional, like counselling or therapy, to help the child heal and improve their mental health. How to get help for a child whose parents are mentally abusing them:


1. Know the Signs: Learn about the warning signs of mental abuse so you can spot the red flags. Some of these signs are rapid changes in behaviour, giving up things they used to enjoy, having low self-esteem, and being afraid of their parents too much.


2. Keep a record of the abuse: Write down the dates, times, and details of any bad things that happened. Documentation can help when telling the right officials about the abuse.


3. Talk to a trusted adult: If you are not the child's parent, talk to a trusted adult who knows the kid well, like a teacher, school counsellor, or family member. Talk about your worries and thoughts about the child's health and well-being.


4. Call Child Protective Services (CPS): If you think a child is in immediate danger, call your local CPS or child welfare service. They have trained people who can look into things and do what needs to be done to keep the child safe.


5. Talk to the parents: If you know the parents well, tell them you're worried about the child's safety. Sometimes, parents don't know how their actions affect their children, and they could use some help or advice.


6. Call the police: If the emotional abuse is very bad and the child is being threatened, intimidated, or hurt, it may be necessary to call the police to make sure the child is safe.


7. Get help from a professional: Tell the parents to get help for themselves and the child. Family therapy or counselling can help get to the bottom of problems and make things better between family members.


8. Help the Child: Make sure the child knows they can talk to you about how they feel. Let them talk about how they feel and agree with what they say.


9. Tell the School About Your Concerns: If the child goes to school, tell the school about your worries. Teachers and counsellors can also help the child and report abuse if they think it is happening.


10. Encourage Other Supportive Relationships: Help the child build other supportive relationships outside of the family, such as with friends, teachers, or support groups.




Emotional abuse by a parent is a major problem that needs to be looked at and fixed. If you know how to spot the signs of emotional abuse and take the right steps, you can protect children from long-term emotional damage and help them grow emotionally in a healthy way.


We can try to break the cycle of emotional abuse and encourage healthy, loving relationships between parents and children by raising awareness and making settings more supportive.