Thursday, September 14, 2023

Is Economic Abuse The Same Thing As Emotional Abuse


Relationship abuse can take several but related forms, including economic abuse and emotional abuse. Although they both include negative behaviours, they focus on various parts of a person's wellbeing.

Economic abuse, often known as financial abuse, describes a situation in which one partner in a relationship restricts the other's access to money and financial independence or exerts control over their financial resources.

Examples of this include depriving someone of money, restricting access to bank accounts, making them surrender their wages, incurring loans in their name without their permission, and generally undermining their financial independence.

The goal of economic abuse is frequently to make the victim dependent on money, making them more vulnerable to manipulation and control.

While Emotional abuse, also known as psychological abuse, refers to actions that undermine a person's sense of self-worth and emotional stability. Verbal abuse, deceit, intimidation, and unrelenting criticism are some examples.

Examples of emotional abuse include name-calling, humiliation, isolation from friends and family, gaslighting (which causes the victim to doubt their own reality), and any other actions intended to undermine a person's self-confidence and emotional stability.

The purpose of emotional abuse is usually to maintain the victim's dependence and emotional vulnerability in order to gain influence over them.

Even though financial abuse and emotional abuse are two different types of violence, they frequently coexist in abusive relationships. In these situations, the abuser employs a variety of strategies to manipulate and control their victim, including managing their finances to impose emotional control.


It's critical to understand that both types of abuse are detrimental and may have negative, long-lasting impacts on the victim. It's crucial to seek support and assistance from reliable friends, family, or professionals, such as therapists or counsellors, and to think about contacting domestic abuse hotlines or organisations for advice on how to handle the situation and find safety if you or someone you know is experiencing either economic abuse or emotional abuse.

The realm of economic abuse will be thoroughly examined in this article, along with its repercussions on people's lives, startling statistics, and advice on how to deal with this pernicious type of emotional abuse.


Statistic about Economic Abuse

Let's take a closer look at some startling statistics that highlight the prevalence and gravity of this problem before delving into the specifics of economic abuse.

According to figures provided by the National Domestic Violence Hotline, one in three women and one in four men have both been victims of physical abuse by an intimate partner. Economic abuse is a frequent kind of domestic violence because it frequently goes hand in hand with physical abuse.

Dependence on money and control over it: Economic abuse is all about dominance and sway. According to estimates, financial abuse plays a role in 99% of domestic violence incidents. Financial dominance is a tool used by perpetrators to maintain power and control over their victims.


How Many Divorces Cases Are As A Result Of Economic Abuse?

Economic abuse, sadly, frequently goes unreported. Economic abuse victims may not even be aware of it, which makes their pain even worse. The Purple Purse Foundation ran a poll, and 53% of respondents stated they had no idea what financial abuse was. This shows how little people are aware of the problem.

Let's look at how economic abuse varies from other types of domestic abuse now that we have a better understanding of the shocking prevalence of this type of abuse.


How to Manage Economic Abuse as an Emotional Form of Abuse

Economic abuse can be extremely difficult to survive. It is not just about the victims' lack of access to resources, but also about the emotional toll it places on them. Let's look at some tactics and suggestions for negotiating this treacherous terrain.


Determine the Symptoms

Recognising economic abuse is the first step in dealing with it. It frequently starts out gently, with the abuser assuming charge of money-related tasks like paying bills and restricting access to bank accounts. It can progress to more severe forms over time, such as completely limiting access to money. Watch out for warning indicators like:

Strict financial control: If your partner is determined to handle all money matters without consulting you, it may be a warning sign.

Isolation: Financial abusers frequently distance their victims from friends and family, which makes it extremely harder for them to ask for assistance or support.

Sabotage: Economic abuse may be indicated by deliberate attempts to compromise your credit, steal your identity, or hurt your financial reputation.


Seek Assistance

You shouldn't go through enduring economic maltreatment alone. Speak with reliable family members, friends, or organisations that support victims of domestic violence. They can provide you with resources, emotional support, and advice on how to end the pattern of abuse.


Achieve Financial Independence


Take initiative to reclaim financial control. This could incorporate:

Create a separate bank account: If you don't already have one, think about creating one in your name alone. Make sure your money is being kept in a secure location.

Become informed: Learn about budgeting, money management, and financial issues. Knowing more about how to manage your money might give you more power.

Legal support: Speak with a domestic violence attorney for advice. They can aid in your understanding of your legal alternatives and rights.


Plan a Safety Strategy


When dealing with economic abuse, safety preparation is essential. Create a strategy that includes:

Keep a list of reliable contacts you can call if you need emergency assistance or a place to stay in safety.

Important paperwork Collect all of the necessary papers, including identification, social security cards, passports, and financial statements. Keep them in a safe place.

Determine a safe exit from your house in case you need to.



FAQs on Financial Abuse and Its Effects


In order to shed more light on this sometimes disregarded element of domestic abuse, let's now address some frequently asked issues about economic abuse.


How does economic abuse vary from other types of domestic violence, in your opinion?


Controlling, manipulating, or taking advantage of a victim's financial resources and financial stability is economic abuse, which is a type of domestic violence. Although it falls under the larger category of domestic abuse, it varies in that it focuses on money control as a technique of gaining the victim's submission and subjugation. Economic abuse can go undetected, unlike physical abuse, which makes it more difficult to spot.


Can financial exploitation result in depression?

Yes, financial exploitation can cause depression and other mental health problems. The ongoing stress and worry brought on by financial manipulation and control can have a very negative impact on a victim's mental health. Economic abuse is frequently accompanied by feelings of worthlessness, isolation, and powerlessness, all of which contribute to the emergence of depression.


How does economic abuse affect survivors over the long term?

Those who have survived economic abuse may endure long-term effects such as:

 Financial instability: Economic abuse survivors may experience financial instability due to credit damage, debt, and a lack of available resources.

Emotional trauma: Economic abuse's accompanying manipulation and control can cause long-lasting emotional trauma, such as anxiety, sadness, and low self-esteem.

Trust issues: Survivors may find it difficult to trust others, which makes establishing healthy relationships difficult.

Isolation: As abusers try to isolate victims from their support systems, economic abuse frequently leads to social isolation.


How can friends and relatives help someone who is being victimised financially?


People who are being victimised financially can receive vital help from friends and relatives by:

Making a safe and judgment-free space for the victim to express their experiences requires active listening.

Providing useful assistance: Assist with activities like locating a safe place to stay, gaining access to financial resources, or establishing contact with support groups.

Encourage people to seek out experts who can offer specialised support, such as therapists, attorneys, or domestic violence advocates.


Are there any legal safeguards against financial exploitation?

To address economic abuse, many nations have put in place regulations and legal safeguards. Restraining orders, legal remedies for financial harm, and assistance for survivors looking to reclaim control of their financial lives are a few examples of these protections. The legal alternatives available in your jurisdiction might be clarified by speaking with a lawyer who focuses on domestic violence matters.


What can society do to increase understanding of financial exploitation and assist victims?

In order to combat economic abuse, awareness-building is essential. There are numerous things society can do to help survivors:

Education: To raise awareness, include lessons on economic abuse in school curriculum and workplace training programmes.

Organisations that provide resources, housing, and legal support to victims of economic abuse are supported and funded by these institutions.

Advocate for policy and legal reforms that strengthen legal protections by recognising economic abuse as a different type of domestic violence.